Terms of Use & Policies

The use of FotoPirates.com is subject to the Terms and Policies set forth below. These policies are not meant to be all-inclusive and may be changed at any time without notice by the Owner of this website. Please select any section to see complete details.

About StreetSafari’s FotoPirates.com

FotoPirates is an event photography service of StreetSafari, Inc.

Our photos provide a one-of-a-kind, personal souvenir of your motoring adventure.

Photographers are stationed regularly at various areas of Val di FotoPirates.

We capture action images of motorcycles, bicycles, sports cars, and other performance vehicles.

High resolution copies are available for only €9,00 each.

Find your Foto now!


The party responsible for content on this website, FotoPirates.com, is

StreetSafari, Inc.
P O Box 4725
Pensacola, FL 32507
United States of America

Phone: +1 (850) 898-0006 (no support issues)

Email: Contact us

Help & FAQ: Click for Help & FAQ

Support: Contact us (you may be directed to the Help & FAQ)


Terms of Use

Complete instructions for the use of FotoPirates.com can be found on our Help & FAQ area.

Use of this site is governed by the following terms, policies, and conditions.

To be simple, here is the summary

This is a summary of everything else written below. “You” are our customer. “We” are FotoPirates.com or its owner, StreetSafari, Inc.

  • All content of FotoPirates.com is copyright StreetSafari, Inc.
  • When you buy an image, we allow you to use your images for almost anything you like, as long as you don’t try to make money from it, or claim someone else (you or another) took the photograph.
  • If you show our Fotos off, please be nice and give us credit for it. We appreciate it.
  • We use cookies. It’s how our website works.
  • We use PayPal. They use their own cookies.
  • We do not get or have your financial information. This is PayPal’s job.
  • We collect other information that you specifically give us, like your email address.
  • We may send you an email with useful information or requesting more information from you in the future. You will be able refuse this email.
  • We do not share your information with anyone.
  • We take photographs on public roadways and public spaces.
  • We remove image when requested. Use our Contact Form.
  • FotoPirates.com photographers are plainly identified.
  • Our photographers are not responsible for any damages to anyone for any reason.
  • Support is handled through our Contact Form ONLY.
  • Support is provided in English.
  • Refunds are only offered in rare and special circumstances. Contact us if you have an issue.
  • Please be patient while support handles your email.

This summary does not replace or include the full Terms of Use.

Please read the full Terms of Use below!

Privacy and Content Removal Policies


Privacy and Content Removal Policies

Third Party Websites and Payment Processing

FotoPirates.com uses PayPal as our exclusive payment processor. StreetSafari, Inc. does not request, collect, or obtain any financial data from our customers, either directly or from PayPal, other than the total purchase amount. We may collect other data necessary to fulfill the customer order. PayPal is solely responsible for its own policies, services, and performance. Please visit PayPal for complete details.

Cookies and Personal Information

FotoPirates.com uses cookies to properly function. These cookies uses include, but are not limited to, navigation, shopping cart functions, and order fulfillment. Website visitors must consent to the use of cookies in order to access FotoPirates.com, or any other website that may be part of the objectives of FotoPirates.com. Our website may participate from time to time in analytical analysis from sites such as Google and similar sites and services.

FotoPirates.com may collect other data that is voluntarily and expressly provided by site visitors. Examples include, but are not limited to, names, email addresses and content of support and email inquiries made through our website.

StreetSafari, Inc. does not share these types of collected information with third parties. We may, however, at our sole discretion and from time to time, use provided email addresses to communicate with site visitors. Providing email addresses through FotoPirates.com is consent for this contact. This consent may be revoked at any time by contacting us as directed in the communications received.

However, any information collected by Third Party websites is outside the control of StreetSafari, Inc.

Fair Use and Content Removal Policies

Images at FotoPirates.com are produced in good faith as fair use in public areas or on private property with the permission of property owner(s). Appearance in public areas is accepted by FotoPirates.com as implied consent. Subjects have the right to deny (at the time the Foto is taken) or later revoke this consent as provided below.

If a Foto is taken before consent is revoked, it may not be possible to delete images immediately.

Official FotoPirates.com photographers are clearly marked and identifiable. StreetSafari, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions, inactions, errors, commissions, or omissions of any photographer, contractor, employee, agent, or other person assigned, for any reason, with any result, at any time or place whatsoever.

By consenting to be photographed, subjects grant a non-exclusive right to StreetSafari, Inc. and its service FotoPirates.com to use the subject’s likeness in any media necessary to the fulfillment of the website’s stated purpose, now and in the future. This consent may be revoked at any time by contacting us as provided below.

StreetSafari, Inc. may, from time to time and at its sole discretion, remove images from the public portion of the FotoPirates.com site. To request the removal of specific images, please use our Contact Form to provide the information necessary to identify and remove the image(s).

Sales, Support, and Refund Policies


Sales, Support and Refund Policies

The Sales Process

The FotoPirates.com sales process is simple. Images are arranged by year, month, day, and time. Search for your image, select the images, review your shopping cart, checkout with PayPal, then allow time for your high resolution images to upload. After a short time, you are able to download your image from our site.

We use only PayPal. Because our customers are from many nations, this is the only payment option. Direct transfers to us are not possible. All sales are Euros.

We may, from time to time, offer special pricing or discounts on some or all images. If special pricing is available, this will be clearly stated. Special pricing is only available before the sale. We can not change the price after PayPal has processed the payment.


This is all very simple, but occasionally problems arise.

Support is provided through our website contact page only. We do not provide support through Facebook, PayPal, or direct email. The person(s) receiving your contact form will be best able to assist you.

Support is in ENGLISH ONLY. We have found that our customers speak many languages, but most have English in common. Most inquiries are simple, or are already answered in our FAQ section.

Please do not contact us to ask “Where am I?” If you do not know approximately what time you came past, we certainly will not know. There are thousands of images daily. Our job is to take them, it is your job to view them.

Please be patient while your support call is submitted. We work very long hours taking photographs every day of the week and your support call may be passed to different staff to help your issue. It is possible that your question was too vague or general to be answered. Please try again, with more detail.

Refunds and Replacements

Because our products are intangible, digital downloads, we are unable to offer refunds. Rare exceptions are duplicate purchases, purchasing the wrong image, or an imperfect image. If your image is not correctly focused, please contact us so that we can replace or refund the image. We take great pride in the quality of our images..